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Travel Information

General information about USA

Time Zone
There are 4 time zones in USA
Eastern Time : 9.5 Hrs behind India time.New York, Washington, Niagra Falls, Orlando, Bahams
Central Time : 10.5 Hrs behind India time.Chicago
Mountain Time : 11.5 Hrs behind India time.Denver
Pacific Time : 12.5 Hrs behind India time.Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle

Overbooked Flights

How much luggage can I carry?

Lost or stolen luggage

Packing Tips

Clearing Customs and Customs Rules

Protect Yourself and Your Belongings

Important Phone Numbers to Carry

Travel Advisories

The US State Department keeps an active list of travel advisories. Please check this list regularly and keep abreast of any potential situations you may encounter in your travels.

Reconfirmation of Travel Arrangements

Check your travel documents (airline ticket, hotel / car confirmation, etc.) and make sure that everything is in order. Reconfirm your flights at least 72 hours prior to departure by calling the airline directly. Reconfirm your special requests (such as meals, seat preference, etc.) directly with the airline at least 72 hours prior to departure. Get required information like phone numbers & address to all major airlines.

VISAs and Entry Requirements

If you are traveling out side of the United States you might need a passport and/or visa to enter the country. Please check the entry requirement of the country you are planning to visit. Some countries require that your U.S. passport be valid at least six months or longer beyond the dates of your trip. If your passport expires before the required validity, you will have to apply for a new one. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN VISAS, WHERE REQUIRED, FROM THE APPROPRIATE EMBASSY OR NEAREST CONSULATE OF THE COUNTRY YOU ARE PLANNING TO VISIT.